Hands Of Hope


"Hands Of Hope" is the name of the project that runs a home for deaf youth in the middle of Laos' capital, Vientiane. The project is approved by the authorities and is financed for the most part by congregations from Sweden and surpluses from second hand stores.

In one of the world's least developed countries, development is now progressing rapidly, but the needs are huge and the opportunities to make a significant contribution to people's living conditions are great. Sandwiched between Thailand, Burma, Cambodia, Vietnam and China, Laos is not nearly as well known as its neighbors, but the people are friendly and open to any help that may come.

Young people practice sign language.

The deaf center currently has room for 25 young people who learn to communicate in sign language as well as to read and write both Lao and English. In addition to communicating, you learn about the Bible. In addition to the Deaf School, there is now also a "Deaf Center", a kind of vocational school for the slightly older young people. An important part of the vocational training so far has been to bake and sell various muffins etc., which also helps to partially finance certain costs at the centre. In the warm Christian community, so far most young deaf people have been saved. The others have already come to faith and formed the basis for the home for the deaf at the start.

At the deaf home you learn a trade.

All of the above has happened during the short time that the center has existed and operated, and now it is time to think further and take the next step. We want to develop the business by, in the first step, creating more quality vocational training for the young people and in the next step being able to make it easier for them to start their own businesses and eventually be able to stand on their own two feet financially. Then some can move back to their villages and make a living there, while at the same time they can tell about Jesus in the ways they can to people who have never heard of him.

You are more than welcome to be a part of making this possible, to help more deaf people and to reach more Lao people with the gospel!

Watch a movie

Here are some videos with glimpses of the project. They are also suitable for showing at services and gatherings.

Background of Laos

Laos is a young nation but with a thousand-year history. The country was badly damaged in its struggle for independence and became an innocent pawn in great power politics during the Vietnam War and the peaceful Laotians then chose to isolate themselves from the outside world and remained a closed communist country until the mid-90s.

Even today, Laos is one of the world's least developed countries, but development has begun and is progressing rapidly. However, it is usually roads and infrastructure that are prioritized and people with special needs unfortunately end up far down the priority list when the money is to be distributed.

Background of Hands Of Hope

Laos has just under 7 million inhabitants and it is estimated that there are over 45,000 deaf people, the vast majority of whom lack education, knowledge of sign language and the opportunity to support themselves. The state provides education at two schools for the deaf in the country, but only about a hundred young people get the chance to study at these schools, the rest are left to their own fate.

A girl named Sophaphone developed a special love for these deaf youths and with God's help she learned sign language in an incredibly short time. With her spontaneous and loving way of being, she has reached out to these deaf young people and made them start learning to communicate and become part of society.

Today, there are always new deaf people who want a place in the home, but at the moment it is unfortunately full, as you have to prioritize long-term education and create self-sufficient individuals. But soon we hope to be able to receive new students at the accommodation who in turn can start learning to communicate and get a job.

Picture from the inauguration in 2018. Maths Holmberg on the far left.

The center has been in operation since January 2018 when the premises were inaugurated. The center has accommodation and spaces for teaching and activities.


In the short time that the center has been running, ten young people who had no background in the Christian faith have come to the center and all have experienced salvation. In total there are 20 young people on site who are divided into three groups, where the first group learns the sign language, the next group learns to read and write in Lao and English and the last learns a lot through self-study in various course books under the guidance of Sophaphone who is responsible teacher at the centre.

From having had 1 full-time employee and 2 part-time employees, it is now time to increase staffing in order to also increase the quality of the vocational training. Therefore, we invest extra in personnel costs in the upcoming budget to ensure that everyone gets a chance at the education we want to provide.

Prayer time.

A typical day at the center starts as early as six thirty in the morning when there is an hour set aside for personal devotion. Then you spend time with God's word, and pray both individually and together for each other. After that, it looks like any other school day with breakfast, lessons, lunch, continued lessons and late dinner. In the evenings there is time to sell the baked goods made during the day, but also time to play football, play or train.

Every Sunday they go to church together or they have the service at school.

Cooperation with TOUK - for Life

Hands Of Hope and the association TOUK - for Life cooperate and support each other to give young people and families in Laos a future and hope.

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