About us


We are the non-profit association TOUK – for Life and we were born out of a cry for help, an insight that there are people in vulnerability in Laos and Southeast Asia, who need our help. The association was formed in response to a – as we understand it – call to provide such help. Together, therefore, about fifteen people formed the non-profit association TOUK – for Life on 11 July 2020. The association is registered with the Swedish Tax Agency (org.nr. 80​2531 – 5683).

The association's values include the keywords care, peace, kindness, humility, reconciliation, trust, restoration and courage. But also a holistic view of life, respect, cooperation, honesty and sincerity.

The form non-profit association means that all financial surplus must go back to the business. It also means that we stand on the foundation of democracy with association meetings where all members are welcome to make their voices heard and make decisions about the board, finances and operations. Ideally, we want to make it possible for many people (both in Laos and Sweden) to collaborate with us and develop in line with our purpose through projects and other things. We want to contribute to a good community between people in Laos, but also conduct opinion in Sweden.

We have employees on site in Laos who coordinate the business and run a family home, and help people get their own family book. Read more about it here.


Here you can download and read a presentation of TOUK – for Life.
- Presentation (PDF)


The association's board consists of the following people:
Abrahamsson, Stanley (Finance Manager)
Alkebratt, Anders
Björhag, Anders
Dunåker, Matz
Elgh, Anna
Holmberg, Maths
Lindén, Gunlög (President)
Olofsson, Samuel